Governance of ESG themes is entrusted to the Board of Directors which is responsible for the definition of sustainability policies.
On 28th of April 2023 - according to G.1 action of Group 2023-25 ESG Plan - the Sustainability Committee was established with a supervisory role. The Committee is composed by Group CEO and two independent members with proven experience on ESG themes.
The Sustainability Commitee support Board of Directors assesments and decisions on topics related to sustainability.

In details, the Committee:
- prepares proposals to submit to the Board of Directors, which incorporate the value of sustainability into the various business processes, including with regard to climate change;
- assists the Board of Directors with the definition of annual ESG objectives;
- ensures that the Company disseminates a culture of sustainability among employees, shareholders, customers and all other stakeholders;
- monitors the pursuit of the annual and multi-year sustainability objectives set by the Board of Directors;
- expresses opinions on ESG initiatives and programs promoted by the Group and its subsidiaries;
- examines, before the Board of Directors, the information contained in the Non-Financial Statement;
- monitors the reputation of the Company with respect to the market and other domestic and international players in similar businesses and/or of a similar size;
- at least every six months, the Committee reports to the Board of Directors on the activities carried out, and the ESG topics addressed.